Support us

(1) Become a supporter of the Muni Choice bill: fill this form to receive updates about the Muni Choice bill from time to time.

(2) Sign a petition supporting the Muni Choice bill (by clicking the blue button “Sign the petition” on this page).

Ask your State Representative and Senator to support the Muni Choice bill.

State legislators rarely hear from more than a handful of constituents about a particular bill. It will make a real difference if you
write to your State Representative and Senator to ask them to support the Muni Choice bill. This will take just a few minutes.

Find out who your State Representative and Senator are, and contact them by:

> entering your street address
here; click “Find My Election information”; your State Senator and State Representative are listed under Who are My Elected Officials next to “Senate in General Court:” and “Rep in General Court:”; click on their names to find their email and mailing addresses (Room # followed by: State House, Boston MA 02133).

> using this
sample letter (edit it to reflect your priorities) to email and/or write to them.

Ask others to support the Muni Choice bill.

Ask your friends, colleagues or acquaintances to visit, Support us page, to support the Muni Choice bill.

Ask your city, town or organization to endorse the Muni Choice bill.

If your city, town or organization has not yet endorsed the Muni Choice bill (check
here to see if they have), ask your Mayor, City Council, Board of Selectmen or your organization's leadership to endorse the bill.

We can give this presentation to your City Council or Board of Selectmen: for arrangements, contact Patrick Mehr, Massachusetts Alliance for Municipal Electric Choice, 781-367-2229,